Please contact us if you donate to the team via credit card! We do not receive individual notifications of donations unless we request information from the Office of Student Life about a donation by a specific individual. If you contact us, we can confirm that the donation has been received and properly thank you!
How to Donate
HSPDS is currently undergoing a major fundraising drive, reaching out to alumni and family members for the support of competitive debate. After all, by conducting debates, we allow our students to assert themselves and show their talent, and therefore buy essay online and donations mean a lot for the continuation of our educational activities. There are two ways to donate:
Donating by Check
The check should be made payble to “Harvard University” with “Harvard Speech & Parliamentary Debate Society” in the memo line of the check. The check should include the full name and address of the donor, so that the Student Activities Office can mail the donor a gift receipt. The check can then be sent to the following address:
Harvard Speech & Parliamentary Debate Society
Student Organization Center at Hilles
Box 268
59 Sheppard Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Donating Online by Credit Card
You can make a gift through Harvard using a credit card by visiting this page. Under “Gift Designation,” please choose “Harvard College Fund Designation: Unrestricted.” Under “Joint Gift Credit,” enter “Harvard Speech and Parliamentary Debate Society, Fund 330250″ in the “Additional Information” box to ensure that the gift is allocated to the gift fund correctly.
Thank you to all of the sponsors who have generously contributed so far.
Mr. Allen Ewalt
Mr. Allon Kedem
Ms. Andrea Gauthier
Mr. Andrzej Brzezinski and Mrs. Anya Brzezinski
Mr. Anthony Carlson
Ms. Catherine Mouly
Ms. Christina Valar Breen
Ms. Christine Van Aken
Mr. Conrad Cafritz
Mr. David Lat
Mr. David Friedman
Mr. David Kennedy
Mr. David Kimel
Ms. Deena R. Bernstein
Mr. Felix H. Cheung and Mrs. Cara Lynn Cheung
Ms. Inga Parsons
Mr. Jason Wen
Mr. John Bronsteen
Mr. Kevin Barron
Mr. Mark Freeman
Ms. Peggy Cooper
Ms. Stacy Lotspeich
Mr. Thomas Hixson
Mr. Yellow Light Breen
Mr. and Mrs. Vadlamudi
If you have questions about making a tax-deductible contribution to HSPDS, please contact us at